Taking mitochondria from the donor’s egg and transferring them to the patient’s egg we provide it with a new injection of energy.
The mitochondria have many functions, the most important of which is the production and maintenance of energy in the cell. It has its DNA called mitochondrial DNA.
With age, the quality and quantity of mitochondria decline and the eggs lose their previous properties. At BioTexCom, we take mitochondria from the donor’s egg and transfer them to the patient’s egg to give it a new injection of energy.
In recent years, BioTexCom has refined mitochondrial replacement techniques by transferring only the mitochondria and not the entire nucleus, thus preserving the genetic heritage of the couple undergoing the program.
The procedure for undergoing the program is similar to the normal IVF procedure, except that the mitochondrial donor and recipient will be stimulated at the same time and the mitochondria will be transferred to the egg before fertilization.